
Ongoing and Upcoming Events at St. Andrews


Go to St. Andrew’s YouTube Channel for live streaming of services.

Go to Education tab for links to Sunday Bible study and Canonical class

  1. Morning Prayer Service Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m.
  2. Sunday Bible study at 9:00 a.m.
  3. Canonical study every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. followed by a light supper.
  4. Non-perishable food donations for Needs Incorporated and Salvation Army: Place inside the lidded benches in the hallway.
  5. Shoe boxes for Samaritan Purse’ Operation Christmas Child are in the hallway with instruction sheets. Please see Carol for instructions on shipping fees and have your boxes returned to her no later than Sunday, November 3rd.
  6. October 27th, Bob Luchdt from the Gideons will be with us to share the ministry for the Gideons. If you would like to make a donation to the Gideons please place your donation in an envelope, mark it for the Gideons, and place it in the collection plate during the offering so that the donation may be blessed at the altar.
  7. October 27th Potluck luncheon with All Saints Sing Along Sunday following Holy Communion.


Visit of Presiding Bishop Vince and Bishop Peter of the Western Diocese


Celebration of Fr. Tim and Gloria, and dedication of the organ